ISOLATORS (Galvanic antenna isolators and protectors)

Galvanical Isolation Technology for Communication Systems

Is your ground alert ringing? Are stray currents and ground loops a problem for you? Is interference disturbing your communications? Does following list look familiar to you?

  • Suddenly opening squelch (while transmitting from other radio)

  • GPS is jammed (blocked) while operating other radio

  • Modulated noise in reception

  • Corrosion in mast

  • Corrosion in antenna mount

  • Reduced communication range

Our proISO™ family of galvanical isolators consists of various radio and frequency specific galvanical isolators. They remove the need to use isolated switched mode power supplies and plastic antenna mount isolators. Thus pre-empting interference.

proISO™ technology enables trouble free EMP and EMC protection of coaxial cable inlets in the vessel´s hull. If the cable’s screen is grounded for potential equalization, EMC shielding or EMP protection, an unwanted DC current path might occur between the vessel’s metallic body and radio communications equipment. By installing a proISO™ device justafter the cable inlet a complete ground loop protection is achieved.

Prevent ground loops, increase performance

  • Fast deployment in retrofits

  • Suitable for all radios and antennas

  • Static discharge protection

  • Breaks ground loops

  • Minimizes interference

  • Makes EMP and EMI protection easy

  • Fully passive construction

  • No wearing components

  • Customized versions available

  • Compact size with flexible cable connectors eases installation